Lil Clot
- Spawns a (Sumptorium) Sumptorium blood clot Familiar on the ground next to Isaac. This familiar moves and shoots through the same inputs as Isaac, effectively acting as a second source of tears.
- The familiar uses Isaac's tears, range, shot speed, and tear effects, and deals 0.35x Isaac's damage.
- Lil Clot will die after it gets hit 3 times, and will respawn when entering a new room.
- Holding the "drop" button lets Isaac move independently from Lil Clot.
- Lil Clot will persist after the trinket is dropped, but it will not respawn unless the trinket is picked up again.
- Lil Clot spawns in a random location near Isaac when the trinket is first picked up.
- Duplicating Lil Clot trinkets will cause them to stack, allowing Isaac to control multiple Lil Clots at once.