Pandora's Box
- Upon use, spawns specific pickups or items depending on the floor it is used on. Disappears after use.
| Normal/Hard Mode | (Added in Afterbirth) Greed Mode | Items/Pickups | | --- | --- | --- | | (Basement) Basement / (Cellar) Cellar / (Added in Afterbirth) (Burning Basement) Burning Basement / (Added in Repentance) (Downpour) Downpour / (Added in Repentance) (Dross) Dross I | (Added in Afterbirth / Removed in Afterbirth †) (Basement) Basement | 2 (Soul Heart) Soul Hearts | | (Basement) Basement / (Cellar) Cellar / (Added in Afterbirth) (Burning Basement) Burning Basement / (Added in Repentance) (Downpour) Downpour / (Added in Repentance) (Dross) Dross II | (Added in Afterbirth / Removed in Afterbirth †) (Caves) Caves / (Added in Afterbirth †) (Basement) Basement / (Added in Repentance) (Cellar) Cellar / (Added in Repentance) (Burning Basement) Burning Basement | 2 (Bomb) Bombs and 2 (Key) Keys | | (Caves) Caves / (Catacombs) Catacombs / (Added in Afterbirth) (Flooded Caves) Flooded Caves / (Added in Repentance) (Mines) Mines / (Added in Repentance) (Ashpit) Ashpit I | (Added in Afterbirth / Removed in Afterbirth †) (Depths) Depths | 1 Boss Room item | | (Caves) Caves / (Catacombs) Catacombs / (Added in Afterbirth) (Flooded Caves) Flooded Caves / (Added in Repentance) (Mines) Mines / (Added in Repentance) (Ashpit) Ashpit II | (Added in Afterbirth / Removed in Afterbirth †) (Womb) Womb / (Added in Afterbirth †) (Caves) Caves / (Added in Repentance) (Catacombs) Catacombs / (Added in Repentance) (Flooded Caves) Flooded Caves | 1 Boss Room item and 2 (Soul Heart) Soul Hearts | | (Depths) Depths / (Necropolis) Necropolis / (Added in Afterbirth) (Dank Depths) Dank Depths / (Added in Repentance) (Mausoleum) Mausoleum / (Added in Repentance) (Gehenna) Gehenna I | (Added in Afterbirth / Removed in Afterbirth †) (Sheol) Sheol | 4 (Soul Heart) Soul Hearts | | (Depths) Depths / (Necropolis) Necropolis / (Added in Afterbirth) (Dank Depths) Dank Depths / (Added in Repentance) (Mausoleum) Mausoleum / (Added in Repentance) (Gehenna) Gehenna II | (Added in Afterbirth / Removed in Afterbirth †) (The Shop) The Shop / (Added in Afterbirth †) (Depths) Depths / (Added in Repentance) (Necropolis) Necropolis / (Added in Repentance) (Dank Depths) Dank Depths | 20 (Penny) Pennies | | (Womb) Womb / (Utero) Utero / (Added in Afterbirth) (Scarred Womb) Scarred Womb / (Added in Repentance) (Corpse) Corpse I | (Added in Afterbirth / Removed in Afterbirth †) (Ultra Greed) Ultra Greed / (Added in Afterbirth †) (Womb) Womb / (Added in Repentance) (Utero) Utero / (Added in Repentance) (Scarred Womb) Scarred Womb | 2 Boss Room items | | (Womb) Womb / (Utero) Utero / (Added in Afterbirth) (Scarred Womb) Scarred Womb / (Added in Repentance) (Corpse) Corpse II | --- | The Bible | | (Added in Afterbirth) (???) ??? | --- | Nothing | | (Added in Afterbirth †) (The Void) The Void | --- | Nothing | | (Sheol) Sheol | (Added in Afterbirth †) (Sheol) Sheol | 1 Devil Room item and 1 (Black Heart) Black Heart | | (Dark Room) Dark Room | --- | Nothing(Added in Afterbirth †) Unlocks Moving Box | | (Cathedral) Cathedral | --- | 1 Angel Room item and 1 (Eternal Heart) Eternal Heart | | (Chest) Chest | (Added in Afterbirth †) (The Shop) The Shop / (Ultra Greed) Ultra Greed | 1 (Penny) Penny | | (Added in Repentance) (Home) Home | --- | Red Key |
- Floors affected by (Curse of the Labyrinth.png) Curse of the Labyrinth are counted as the first floor by Pandora's Box.
- When playing Greed Mode, the normal Devil Room item pool is still used in Sheol, instead of the Greed Mode Devil Room item pool.
- (Added in Repentance) Book of Virtues: Spawns
floor - 1
regular wisps with no unique effect, up to a maximum of 8. No wisps are spawned on the first floor. - (Added in Repentance)(Strange Key) Strange Key: Instead of its normal effect, Pandora's Box spawns six generally higher quality items from a set of item pools. Both items are consumed.
- (Added in Afterbirth) Car Battery: No effect.
- (Added in Afterbirth / Removed in Repentance)(? Card) ? Card: Will consume both the card and Pandora's Box, but nothing will happen, wasting both of them.
- (Added in Repentance) Will activate Pandora's Box without consuming it, allowing for multiple activations. Tarot Cloth will not double ? Card's effect in this situation.