Mother's Kiss
- Grants one heart container while held.
- This heart container will be filled the first time the trinket is picked up.
- (???) ??? / (Dark Judas) Dark Judas / (Tainted????) Tainted ??? / (Tainted Bethany) Tainted Bethany / (Tainted Judas) Tainted Judas / (Tainted Forgotten) Tainted Forgotten: If Mother's Kiss is picked up while having 12 Soul/Black Hearts, Mother's Kiss will not trigger until damage is taken. However, if only half a heart of damage is taken, Mother's Kiss will immediately restore the health back to a full 12 but believe its effect failed due to not restoring a full heart's worth, allowing it to trigger again and again until a full heart of damage is taken, after which it will cease taking effect. If combined with (The Wafer) The Wafer, this makes any of the aforementioned 6 characters virtually invincible as long as their health is not reduced in any way through Devil Deals, Health Down pills, etc.)
- (Golden Trinket) Golden Trinket / (Mom's Box) Mom's Box: Adds 2 heart containers.
- (Guppy's Paw) Guppy's Paw: The trinket will be consumed, but the soul hearts from conversion are kept.
- (Potato Peeler) Potato Peeler: The trinket will be consumed, but the damage and (Cube of Meat) Cube of Meat is kept.