- A circle surrounds Isaac. When entering a room, the circle is filled with 7 orbiting tears that copy Isaac's tear properties.
- The tears will deal 1.5x Isaac's damage +5 flat damage.
- After 13 seconds, the tears will automatically fall to the ground.
- Orbiting tears are spectral, although they don't visually appear to be.
- The room does not have to be a new room to renew the 7 orbiting tears.
- Enemy tears have a chance to be caught in the orbit, making them able to damage enemies.
- Enemy tears caught only last for the current room.
- Any new effect on tears provided by an item or a trinket won't affect Ring tears until getting to a new room.
- This is the same for lost effects (eg. by dropping a trinket).
- When using a teleporter in (Mausoleum) Mausoleum/(Gehenna) Gehenna, the tears won't teleport and instead travel back towards the ring.
- Angelic Prism: Prism and tears share the same orbit, making them easy to split.
- Blood Clot/ Chemical Peel: Orbiting tears will be the same than the last fired tear before leaving the previous room.
- Having an item that randomly applies the bonus ( Mom's Knife, Brimstone, Stapler, ect), will give each tear a 50% chance to have the bonus.
- Godhead: The orbiting tears have Godhead's damaging aura without the homing effect.
- Homing tears: Tears will break orbit to home into nearby enemies. With piercing, tears will return to the orbit after dealing damage.
- A Lump of Coal: The tears grow in size and damage as they orbit around Isaac.
- Kidney Stone: It's possible for one of the tears surrounding Isaac to be the stone.
- Brimstone: No effect.
- Crown of Light: Functions as intended, but the tears surrounding Isaac will appear normal.
- Dr. Fetus: No effect; tears surrounding Isaac will be regular tears.
- Explosivo: Orbiting tears that stick to an enemy but don't detonate will return to the ring if the enemy cannot be stuck to anymore.
- (Hook Worm) Hook Worm: No effect upon ring's tear.
- Ipecac: Tears surrounding Isaac will not cause self damage if at maximum distance until high tear size. If Isaac enters a room and his Saturnus tears have not spread out, they could hit an entity and cause self damage.
- Mom's Knife: No effect; tears surrounding Isaac will be regular tears.
- Proptosis: Causes the tears to immediately fall, making Saturnus almost irrelevant.
- (Ring Worm) Ring Worm: Causes the ring tears to move with a very anarchistic movement in and out of the circle.
- Sulfuric Acid / Terra: As the orbiting tears can destroy rocks, Isaac can unintentionally detonate Bomb Rocks, causing self damage.
- Tractor Beam: No effect on surrounding tears.