Swallowed Penny
- Spawns one coin of any type upon taking damage.
- Swallowed Penny can also be found by destroying urns and special shopkeepers.
- Though similar to the (Piggy Bank) Piggy Bank item, the Swallowed Penny is not limited to just pennies.
- (Added in Afterbirth / Removed in Repentance) Unlike (Piggy Bank) Piggy Bank, playing as (Keeper) Keeper with this trinket always drops a coin, allowing semi-infinite life.
- A trick for farming money when playing as Keeper is to find a room with some static hazard like spikes and taking damage, causing a coin to appear. A penny will only refill life while a nickel will give four cents, and a dime will give nine cents.
- This trick can also be used to survive multiple uses of a sacrifice room, healing with the dropped coin between each sacrifice.
- (Added in Repentance) As it can now give 0 coins when playing as the Keeper, this no longer works. When combined with (Piggy Bank) Piggy Bank, you will still gain money on average, but you are no longer guaranteed a payout. Using (IV Bag) IV Bag as your source of damage increases the average amount of coins per damage to 1.5, meaning you can usually generate a pool of coins you can use during an unlucky break or for later healing.