Birthright ![image](/image/Birthright.png)
- Grants a passive ability that varies from character to character. The effect typically enhances/magnifies the character's special traits or helps mitigate some of their downsides.
| Character
| Pickup Quote
| Effect
| --- | --- | --- |
| (Isaac) Isaac | More options | All new item pedestals cycle between two options. Previously-seen items are unaffected.
| (Magdalene) Magdalene | Limit breaker + HP up | Adds 1 full Heart Container. Increases the maximum heart limit to 18.
| (Cain) Cain | Better arcades + luck up | +1 Luck. All floors after Chapter 2, except for (???) ???, (Chest) Chest, (Dark Room) Dark Room, (The Void) The Void, and (Home) Home, will contain an upgraded (Arcade) Arcade that generally contains more Machines . This includes odd-numbered floors, (Cathedral) Cathedral, and (Sheol) Sheol. Arcades will appear even if Cain is not holding at least 5 Coins. Greatly increases Lucky Foot's chances of winning effect. Arcades will still not spawn in Greed Mode.
| (Judas) Judas | Belial incarnate |
The Book of Belial becomes a passive item that can be held beneath other active items, similar to
Book of Virtues. May stack with Book of Virtues. If Judas is not currently holding The Book of Belial, he receives it. The damage boost received from The Book of Belial scales with the amount of charges the active item above it has; may not work with one-time-use items, items with unlimited use, timed recharges or items that do not follow normal room charge rules (
Isaac's Tears, etc). Has special interactions with certain items - see The Book of Belial for more information.
| (Dark Judas) Dark Judas |
| (???) ??? | Stronger spirit | (Soul Heart) Soul Hearts gained from HP ups are doubled.
| (Eve) Eve | Forever cursed |
Whore of Babylon is active regardless of health and
Dead Bird is active without taking damage.
| (Samson) Samson | Rage up |
Bloody Lust can gain 4 more Damage boosts at the same +0.2 intervals, for a new maximum total of +14.0.
| (Azazel) Azazel | Wide breath | Azazel's Brimstone beam becomes much wider like
Mega Blast, with 2x larger collision area. No effect on damage.
| (Lazarus) Lazarus | Come back stronger | No direct effect. The item is triggered if Lazarus dies and becomes Lazarus Risen.
| (Lazarus Risen) Lazarus Risen | Temporary DMG up | Grants a +21.6 Damage bonus that slowly fades by roughly 0.1 every second. Until the effect completely fades, killing an enemy restores 0.07 damage to the bonus.
| (Eden) Eden | ??? | Creates 3 random items from random item pools. Only one can be taken. Ignores item weight and can spawn items that have already been taken during the run.
| (The Lost) The Lost | Better destiny | Prevents items with the
item tag from appearing. In practice, this automatically re-rolls most items that aren't beneficial to The Lost, namely ones that only give health, flight, and/or spectral tears or activate upon taking damage.
| (Lilith) Lilith | Offensive Formation | Most familiars that normally follow Lilith, including Lilith's innate Incubus, will always be positioned in front of Lilith, creating a stack, facing whatever direction she was shooting. Non-attacking familiars (
The Relic,
Farting Baby, etc.) will follow Lilith's most recently acquired attacking familiar instead; if the most recent familiar is throwable like
Holy Water, familiars following it will also be launched with it. If Lilith has
King Baby it will always be positioned directly in front of Lilith with all other affected familiars forming a semi-circle around it, and will behave normally otherwise.
Dry Baby is considered an "attacking familiar" and will be within the stack.
Lil Portal and
Jaw Bone are exempt and behave normally.
| (Keeper) Keeper | Coin up | HP up. Raises Keeper's HP cap by 1.
| (Apollyon) Apollyon | Regurgitate | Using
Void has a chance to drop an item previously destroyed by it while keeping the bonus stats. Each item currently absorbed into Void can only be spawned once unless it is absorbed again after regurgitated. The more items absorbed into Void, the higher chance for an item to drop upon activation. Has no effect if Void is not held.
| (The Forgotten) The Forgotten | Unchained |
The Soul is unchained and free to move. It can move to different rooms leaving The Forgotten behind, and switching back teleports The Soul back to The Forgotten.
| (Bethany) Bethany | Conserve your faith | Activating an item using Soul Charges is sometimes free.
| (Jacob and Esau) Jacob and Esau | What's yours is mine | The character who picks up the item gains copies of three of the other brother's passive items.
| (Tainted Isaac) Tainted Isaac | Inventory up | Adds 4 more slots for passive items. Does not consume a slot itself.
| (Tainted Magdalene) Tainted Magdalene | HP up! | Adds 1 more Red Heart that doesn't drain.
| (Tainted Cain) Tainted Cain | Salvage | The amount of pickups dropped from collecting an item is doubled.
| (Tainted Judas) Tainted Judas | Extended darkness | Increases the range in which
Dark Arts hits enemies and tears.
| (Tainted ???) Tainted ??? | Poop up | Increases the maximum number of carried poops to 29.
| (Tainted Eve) Tainted Eve | Coagulate | Red Heart Clots now spawn temporary Half Red Hearts on death that last for two seconds before disappearing. Clots spawned from other types of hearts will not drop hearts.
| (Tainted Samson) Tainted Samson | Unstoppable force | The berserk timer gains 3 seconds instead of 1 when Tainted Samson kills an enemy.
| (Tainted Azazel) Tainted Azazel | Stronger sneeze | Doubles the size of Tainted Azazel's
Hemoptysis sneeze attack.
| (Tainted Lazarus) Tainted Lazarus | Superposition | The non-active form of Tainted Lazarus will appear in a ghostly form and deal 25% damage. The pair controls like (Jacob and Esau) Jacob and Esau, but the ghostly version is completely immune to damage (with the exception of paying for entry to (Mausoleum) Mausoleum). All damage dealt to bosses by the active form is reduced to 80%, and the non-active form to 20%, including via tear effects like
Holy Light. Using
Flip will cause the two characters to switch states while maintaining positions. Both characters receive the Birthright effect when one character collects it.
| (Dead Tainted Lazarus) Dead Tainted Lazarus |
| (Tainted Eden) Tainted Eden | Eternal | Items gained before Birthright will not be re-rolled, either by taking damage or by items such as
D4 and
Missing No., and base stats become locked to what they were at the time of pickup.
| (Tainted Lost) Tainted Lost | Extra life | Grants an extra life that revives Tainted Lost in the same room and deals 200 damage to nearby enemies. It can hit the same enemy multiple times.
| (Tainted Lilith) Tainted Lilith | Conjoined | Familiars that normally follow Tainted Lilith will instead act like and stack on top of her
Gello familiar, such that they disappear inside of her while she's not attacking and swing out when she does attack. The melee attack gains a flat +3 damage bonus per familiar (regardless of damage multipliers) and if those familiars can shoot, they do so along with the Gello familiar. The Gello familiar gains the properties of
King Baby, causing attached familiars to automatically aim and shoot at enemies. Familiars like
Jaw Bone or
Holy Water still function, but they are bound to the Gello familiar rather than their normal means of movement.
| (Tainted Keeper) Tainted Keeper | Money money money | Strongly attracts the coins dropped by defeating enemies from a short distance. No effect on other coins.
| (Tainted Apollyon) Tainted Apollyon | Torment | If Tainted Apollyon holds down the fire button, locusts will continuously damage enemies instead of returning.
| (Tainted Forgotten) Tainted Forgotten | Recall | (Tainted Soul) Tainted Soul is given
Recall, an unlimited-use active item, which pulls Tainted Forgotten into his hands automatically from a distance.
| (Tainted Bethany) Tainted Bethany | Artifact | Spawns two quality 3 wisps and two quality 4 wisps. These have much higher HP than other wisps
| (Tainted Jacob) Tainted Jacob | It's not yours | (Dark Esau) Dark Esau splits into two. Both Esaus will always charge at the same time, and one will not charge if the other is not in position. Using
Anima Sola chains both Dark Esaus at once and forces them together into one spot. Subsequent uses release each Dark Esau one at a time.
The following familiars are unaffected by (Tainted Lilith) Tainted Lilith's Birthright:
- All orbitals
- Damage-triggered familiars
- Bouncing familiars (
BBF, etc.)
- Wandering familiars (
Spider Mod, etc.)
- Mimicking familiars (
Papa Fly, etc.)
- All familiars spawned by active items
Angry Fly
Blood Puppy
Bum Friend
Daddy Longlegs
Dark Bum
- (Found Soul) Found Soul
Fruity Plum
Guppy's Hair Ball
Isaac's Heart
Key Bum
Lil Gurdy
Lil Haunt
Lost Soul
Pointy Rib
Robo-Baby 2.0
Samson's Chains
Star of Bethlehem
Twisted Pair
Worm Friend